Your Global Marketing Efforts are affected by the evolution of content

Global Marketing

The internet has made marketing a global game for any business brave enough to take on the world and the evolution of web content has been a major driving force behind the industry and growing brands alike.
Which means you have to keep up with the latest trends in web content or get left behind something you can’t afford when it comes to global marketing.
Video has shot to the top of content marketing strategies and 70% of brands deem it the most effective way to engage an audience.This shouldn’t come as a surprise when TV ads have been so influential in recent decades, and video web content is simply the next step in visual marketing evolution.

Which is why 71% of marketers will tell you video marketing increases conversion rates and ROI. Making video content a global hit.
Where does web content and global marketing go from here?
Like all forms of content, video still needs to be relevant for it to engage an audience, and targeted content is the next step. This allows marketers to target users at different stages of the buying process, in different locations or numerous other variables with more relevant content.

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