Marketing mistakes to avoid in Japan

Marketing to Japanese consumers is hard-even for Japanese companies.

Though most strategies for optimizing marketing’s effectiveness in the West also apply in Japan, there are a few additional things you should keep in mind when navigating the Japanese market.

Here are a few common marketing pitfalls to avoid making in Japan.

Case in point: When Pepsi introduced its US-style “Pepsi Challenge” taste test campaign in Japan, it bombed-the Japanese saw the direct competition theme crass.

Case in point: the American slogan for Salem cigarettes, “Salem, Feeling Free” was translated into Japanese as, “When smoking Salem, you will feel so refreshed that your mind seems to be free and empty.” Be diligent about ensuring the accuracy of your brand messaging and the appropriateness of the communication channels you employ.

Japanese consumers are now buying from discount and online retailers, buying in bulk, and entertaining at home more.

Consider how your offerings can meet these needs and create marketing campaigns that will appeal to older segments of the Japanese market.

106.8 million Japanese are expected to be cell phone users-and more than three-quarters of those own smartphones.

Japanese websites are more text-heavy, so don’t feel like you’re going overboard by listing all of your company’s offerings and successes.

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