Importance of Localization for Brand Expansion

connection through localization

Expanding your marketing and sales to new country allows you to reach a largely untapped potential pool of consumers. However reaching consumers in a new country requires several adaptations to your brands marketing strategy. It is all about speaking their language. Like how a presenter speaks in the millennial lingo to pander with them and garner their attention, the same principle applies to businesses and brands. However, when it comes to the digital space, there are many forces and factors at play. Translation is not the only key, localization is just as important.

Marketing Translation and Marketing Localization

While both these terms are considered synonymous, there is a difference between them. Localization includes translation. Translation caters to language and linguistics through wordplay.
Say, if a business owner is to reach out to their customers via email, the subject title and contents are translated into different languages to cater to its diverse customer base. Localization, on the other hand, goes way beyond.
Localization entails that brands use images, embedded links, CTA and SEO, among others, that is catered to each of their customer segments.

Why is Localization important?

Localization makes products and services linguistically and culturally appropriate for your target consumer segment. It helps forge emotional bonds and connections with audiences through relatability and allows your brand to have clear communication and messaging.

According to a study, around 75% of prospects look for relatability through language before making a purchase decision. Connection and relatability go a long way in building trust and eventually garnering higher online traffic to your brand site.
This is because these aspects make your digital content more compelling and appealing. Having a translation plugin from WordPress integrated with your website is a great start.

Easier Interaction

In order to interact with your customers and target audience, you need to know where they are. That is, what devices and platforms they use. Doing so will help you curate platform-specific content and enable them to interpret your message and idea they way the your brand intended to. An omni channel approach that caters to the varied social media platforms is a profound step in making the most out of your digital presence.

Support for In-Market Teams

Localized websites are not only great for the target audience but also local sales and support teams. They help support teams identify region-specific products, services, laws and regulations and provide relevant information while generating leads.

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