From SEO to Social Search and Japanese lacking understanding of any of it

[vc_row][vc_column][pofo_section_heading pofo_heading_type=”heading-style2″ heading_preview_image=”heading-style2″ pofo_heading=”From SEO to Social Search and Japanese lacking understanding of any of it” class=”.texto-h2″][vc_column_text]When I was asked if I’ll invest time improving the on SEO of a web page , rapidly my answer was NO. Rather I will invest time on Blogging and social posting.

Social search and social influence now dominates the search engines behavior. Even Google rather submit Facebook pages becuase of the number of followers rather than the keywords that those pages might have.

That is, what it used to be static Keywords, now have become social numbers and mentions.

The SEO of a website might be very good but the Facebook (Twitter, Instagram, etc) amount of users and real-time activity will be taken more importantly for search engines.

Advertising in search engines is also going trough review becuase the lack of real use and meaningful content of the advertisers compared to inorganic pages. Example:

I believe that the future of internet search, marketing and advertising is definitively social.

I agree with you, the Japanese are hard to convince and the way they decide is still old fashion way. They want case studies and examples but the toughest part of social advertising is that every single customer is different and for then every single approach will also be different and have different approaches.

Hopefully we can surpass that period to keep growing in Japan because we are strong on foreign customers but really, really slow when it comes to Japanese Customers.


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