Digital Marketing as a Sales Engine: Drive Sales through Digital Marketing 2/2

Digital Marketing as a Sales Engine

Research, collect, optimize, create loyalty and monitor.

(First part: #1 Market Research)

#2 Collect Data and Begin PPC Campaigns

It is crucial to collect all relevant data subsequently and to insert ads on the websites and social networks that your target audience normally visits (content websites). Businesses can choose many goals and targets for their campaigns, but this is not where your strategy should end.

#3 Website Optimization

It is not enough to get consumers to your website. To drive sales, you must carry the customer to the end of the purchase process. Optimizing your website while keeping your new target in mind is key. The domain name is an integral part of this journey. Customers are more likely to remember a product associated with the domain name, specially if the brand or product is something they are not familiar with. Plus having useful, properly translated content on the site with professional localized website design is another important part. (Read more about the importance of translation here.)

#4 Customer Loyalty

Marketing via email (sending newsletters, discounts, promotions, etc.) offers great opportunities for leveraging both your existing and potential customer base. You should personalize these email marketing campaigns to stay in your customers’ minds and keep them from going to the spam folder. Create meaningful interaction with potential leads so that they become loyal customers.

#5 Monitoring Traffic and Measuring Predetermined KOIs

Without proper management and improvements/changes, no marketing campaign will have lasting effects. When you measure KOI’s and website traffic, you can more easily check the effectiveness of a campaign and make adjustments. The click-through rate (CTR) is a key metric here, which measures the number of times an ad is shown divided by the number of times it is clicked.

Drive results!

Trust and quality are essential when entering the Japanese market, Chinese market, and other APAC markets. If you are creating a digital marketing strategy for Japan or the other Asian markets, create a strong digital media strategy that will give your brand a strong entrance and drive your sales. Consider working with Asian marketing specialists. At Mondo Marketing, we have the experience, in-depth knowledge of the Asian Pacific and e-commerce in this region, and a team of native content writers on hand ready to assist your brand.

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