Copywriting and Content Marketing are not the same thing

Let’s get this straight content marketing cannot exist without copywriting.

What separates content marketing from copywriting?
Three key differences between content marketing and copywriting.
Despite the obvious links between the two practices, if you’re responsible for copywriting, and the person next to you is shouldering the burden of content marketing, you’ll have rather different priorities.
We’ve picked out what we believe to be the three key differences between content marketing and copywriting.

Neither practice is foolproof, nor do they guarantee results, but of the two, content marketing usually offers greater longevity when it comes to customer engagement and retention.
Anyone who is from a traditional sales background may struggle to comprehend the benefits of a form of marketing that rarely if ever mentions the products offered by the business, but face-to-face sales tasks in the modern age are increasingly forced to take this content marketing approach.
This is where content marketing and copywriting work hand-in-hand; the former is unafraid to share it’s most valuable secrets, while the latter promotes the solutions.

Hopefully, you’re no longer scratching your head. Content marketing and copywriting rely on one another but are two very different marketing practices.
This makes both content marketing and copywriting equally relevant, but for entirely different reasons.

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